Little Flower High School Gymnasium
1000 W Lycoming Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140
Little Flower HS - Google Maps
Thunderbird Lanes
5830 Castor Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19149
Thunderbird Lanes - Google Maps
Little Flower High School Gymnasium
1000 W Lycoming Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140
(Competition locations vary)
Little Flower HS - Google Maps
Cross Country
Little Flower High School
1000 W Lycoming Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140
(Meet locations vary)
Little Flower HS - Google Maps
Field Hockey
Hunting Park - directly across from LFCHS
1100 W Hunting Park Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19140
Little Flower HS - Google Maps
Juniata Golf Course
1391 E Cayuga Street
Philadelphia, PA 19124
Juniata Golf Course - Google Maps
Indoor Track
Little Flower High School
1000 W Lycoming Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140
(Meet locations vary)
Little Flower HS - Google Maps
Hunting Park - directly across from LFCHS
1100 W Hunting Park Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19140
Little Flower HS - Google Maps
Track & Field
Little Flower High School
1000 W Lycoming Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140
(Meet locations vary)
Little Flower HS - Google Maps
Hunting Park - directly across from LFCHS (Turf Field)
1100 W Hunting Park Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19140
Hunting Park - Google Maps
Hunting Park - directly across from LFCHS
1100 W Hunting Park Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19140
Hunting Park - Google Maps
Rowland & Shelmire Avenues
Philadelphia, PA 19149
*Practice pool
(Meets vary by location)
Lincoln Pool - Google Maps
Widener U Pool - Google Maps
Alberta Morris Pool - Google Maps
Hunting Park - courts directly across from LFCHS
1100 W Hunting Park Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19140
Hunting Park - Google Maps
Little Flower High School
1000 W Lycoming Street
Philadelphia, PA 19140
Little Flower HS - Google Maps
**Locations of away games/meets can be found on the Athletic Calendar**