Little Flower's Chapel is located at the center of the second-floor corridor. The following services are regularly conducted in the Chapel:
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated each morning at 7:20am. Masses can be celebrated in commemoration of a deceased loved one or for the well-being of the sick. Mass intention forms are located in the Chapel corridor. The cost for Mass intentions are $5.
Communion Services are celebrated at the beginning of each lunch period throughout the school year. These 5-minute services include a reading from Sacred Scripture and reception of the Eucharist. This service is a good opportunity for a mid-day spiritual refresher.
A book of Prayer Intentions is located at the entrance to the Chapel. Please feel free to write any intention you have in this book. All intentions in this book are remembered at every Mass celebrated at Little Flower.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available upon request and large services that celebrate the great gift of forgiveness and reconciliation are available during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated every Friday. Please feel free to stop in the Chapel throughout the course of the day for quiet prayer before the Lord.
Devotional images of the Lord’s Passion are placed on the walls of our Chapel. Booklets are also available to assist with your meditation of the beautiful Stations of the Cross tradition.
A book containing the names of our beloved deceased is kept in the Chapel throughout the month of November. November is the month dedicated to the Holy Souls. Please feel free to write in this book the names of all loved ones or friends who have died. They will be remembered in our prayers throughout the month of November.